SubList and Serialization

I was trying to send message to Apache Kafka from a java program. There is a limit on the number of bytes that are being processed by Kafka.

The Java Program that sends the message to Kafka reads from an Excel file and I have problems when reading large files where the total no of bytes exceeded the kafka byte limit. So I decided to chunk the ArrayList by splitting it into equal chunks using the following code

List <> partionList = new LinkedList<<>>();
for(int i =0; i< origList.size(); i += chunkSize) {
      partionList.add(origList.subList(i,i+Math.min(chunkSize, origList.size.size() - i)));
for(List<> dataRows: partionList) { KeyedMessage message = new KeyedMessage<>( KAFKA_TOPIC, (key).getBytes(), SerializationUtils .serialize(convertToJsonLogData(dataRows))); kafkaProducer.send(message); }

I got the following error 
org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationException: java.util.ArrayList$SubList
 at org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils.serialize(
 at org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils.serialize(
I got that corrected by changing the below in the first for loop.
List -obj-list = new ArrayList -obj-(logDataRows.subList(i, i + Math.min(chunkSize, origList.size.size() - i))); partionList.add(list);

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