Formatting XML using Notepad++

I was looking for a tool that could format XML. At last I found one ie Notepad++. I would say this tool is definitely more than XML formatting. But here I would like to discuss on how to set up notepad++ so as to format XML.
Step 1
Download Notepad++ from to get the latest version 
Complete the Notepad++ installtion
Step 3
Download the XML plugin for Notepad++ from
Always go for the latest version
Step 4
Once the XML Plugin download is completed unzip it.When unzipped there would be XMLTools.dll file and ext_libs folder. 
Step 5
Place XMLTools.dll in the plugins folder in the Notepad++ installtion folder in your local drive, typically it would be C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins. This folder houses other Notepad++ plugins
Step 6
Once step 5 is completed. Copy the contents of ext_libs folder that was unzipped to Notepad++ root directory (same directory than Notepad++.exe, typically it would be C:\Program Files\Notepad++). Make sure you have copied the following files from ext_libs folder to the Notepad++ root directory

  • iconv.dll
  • libxml2.dll
  • libxslt.dll
  • zlib1.dll

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