Spring Framework Features

core technologies :- dependency of injection, events, resources, internationalization, validation, data binding, type conversion, the SpEL expression language, and then the AOP. The AOP, the Aspect-Oriented Programming is one of the main technologies. And I think this is the heart of the Spring Framework.

testing: mock object, TestContext framework. If you want to just test your controllers from the Spring MVC, you can do that with the Spring MVC Test. And of course you have a way to test a client's request calls with a WebTestClient. 

data access:- transactions, JDBC, DAO support, ORM. Marshalling with XML

Spring MVC and the Spring WebFlux frameworks

integration:- remotely, messaging, all the way to do JMX, email, task, scheduling, and cache, language:- Kotlin, Groovy, and any other dynamic languages. 

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