vi editor commands

1. Open a logs file in VI

root@doc16:/logs# vi logs.txt (vi )

2. To go to the start of the file

3. To reach the end of file

Type G (Upper case)

4. To move forward by a page

Cntrl + F

5. To Move backwards by a page

Cntrl + B

6. Quit vi


7. Search

/string search forward for occurrence of string in text
?string search backward for occurrence of string in text
 n move to next occurrence of search string
 N move to next occurrence of search string in opposite direction

8. Undo a change


9. Quit vi editor without saving any changes
Press Escape key to change from insert or append mode

10. To go to the end of the current line


11. To start search from the last line

?(Search string)

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