IntelliJ inspection gives “Cannot resolve symbol” but still compiles code

Maven : 3.5.2
JDK : 1.8
Intellij IDEA : 2017.3.1

Intellij gave me this error, whenever I tried to re-import the project.

Tried the following options
1. File | Invalidate Caches
2. Changed Maven, Under Settings->Maven->Importing and check the checkbox "import maven project automatically"
3. wiped out the IntelliJ config directory in ~ and rebuilt my IntelliJ project from scratch
4. Re-importing the project. Right Click on Project -> Maven ->Reimport

What worked for me 

The problem disappeared... after I "Open" project instead of "Import" project

For reference:

1 comment:

David said...

IDEA IntelliJ is a complex program that likes to create unnecessary problems. Thank you for your tips.

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