Docker compose

Tool provided by docker to build and run multi container applications.

Services are components of your architecture. Every service in a docker compose file is associated with only one image.
We should design in such a way that there is one image for the backend, one image for database, one image for front end, api gateway and so on.

Limitation of docker-compose is that it works only on a single machine. We cannot run the docker-compose on a cluster. docker-swarm is a orchestration solution from docker.

Then why are we using docker-compose
The docker-compose file that is used on a single machine can be used on a cluster docker-swarm scenario.
Very much helpful for a development scenario.

The name docker-compose.yml is the default name of the compose file. The docker-compose command will look for the Compose file by this name.

docker compose build

version: '3.7'
        image: rmohr/activemq:5.15.6        ports:
        - "${queueConPort}:8161"        - "${queuePort}:61616"        environment:
        ACTIVEMQ_OPTS: "-Xms64m -Xmx2g"
            context: ./procdir
            - SPRING_ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_URL=tcp://queue:61616

Building without cache

C:\Deployment>docker-compose build --no-cache

To bring up the application

C:\Deployment>docker-compose up -d

Networking in compose

By default 
Compose sets up a single network for your app. Each container for a service joins the default network and is both reachable by other containers on that network, and discoverable by them at a hostname identical to the container name.

C:\Deployment\sample>docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                     DRIVER              SCOPE
cc3f5301d2e9        bridge                   bridge              local
6559e0781a5c        docker-compose_default   bridge              local
1143df529db9        host                     host                local
8499a7131938        none                     null                local
035a925c6b97        sample_default           bridge              local

For example, suppose your app is in a directory called myapp, and your docker-compose.yml looks like this:
version: "3"
    build: .
      - "8000:8000"
    image: postgres
      - "8001:5432"

When you run docker-compose up, the following happens:
1.     A network called myapp_default is created.
2.     A container is created using web’s configuration. It joins the network myapp_default under the name web.
3.     A container is created using db’s configuration. It joins the network myapp_default under the name db.

docker inspect on the network will yield the following
C:\Deployment\sample>docker inspect xsightdev_default
        "Name": "sample_default","Id":"035a925c6b97d041145f4162b8df593888b7a89cdd80bfc1
        2f6a740cf4b16c0a","Created": "2020-04-01T15:11:54.8837377Z","Scope": "local","Driver":
        "bridge","EnableIPv6": false,"IPAM": {
        "Driver": "default","Options": null,"Config": [
        "Subnet": "","Gateway": ""}
        },"Internal": false,"Attachable": true,"Ingress": false,"ConfigFrom": {
        "Network": ""},"ConfigOnly": false,"Containers": {
        "1cfe54891c042d100d17652444e90269445a4f24e984a53a212b0c838598cb45": {
        "Name": "sample_queue_1","EndpointID":

        "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:13:00:02","IPv4Address": "","IPv6Address": ""},
        "500798d2fb86cccf474ceecc99e2c9a013afbaa3004cd86a377a423c5e0ed38b": {
        "Name": "sample_proc_1","EndpointID":

        "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:13:00:03","IPv4Address": "","IPv6Address": ""}
        },"Options": {},"Labels": {
        "": "default","com.docker.compose.project":

        "sample","com.docker.compose.version": "1.24.1"}


The containers that were created are connected to the default network.

The containers that are connected to this network can communicate with each other by name, that is we can use the name of the service to be used different services to talk to each other.

docker-swarm does n't support build.

You can use couple of docker commands in docker-compose

List all the containers by 
docker-compose ps

This lists all the processes.docker-compose top

Follow the logs of all the containers by docker-compose logs -f

You can an independent service outside the docker-compose by
docker-compose run proc

Here the ports won't be mapped.

docker-compose up --scale proc=3
You can use docker-compose to start more than one container for a particular service

C:\Deployment\sample>docker-compose up --scale proc=3        Starting sample_proc_1 ...
        Starting sample_proc_1 ... done
        Creating sample_proc_2 ... done
        Creating sample_proc_3 ... done

If we want to run an application with worker containers

If there is .env file in the folder where docker-compose is running that file would be picked up by the docker-compose

How to use multiple compose files in a single project

Getting an image to Docker Hub
Sign up for an account on
1.     Log in on
2.     Click on Create Repository.
3.     Log into the Docker Hub from the command line

C:\Deployment\sample>docker login --username=madhutomy


        Login Succeeded

4. Check the image that you wanted to push to hub

C:\Deployment\sample>docker images

REPOSITORY   TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED            SIZE

tomymad/proc latest              21a3053e4529        11 hours ago       4.43GB

5.  Tag your image

C:\Deployment\sample>docker tag 21a3053e4529 madhutomy/proc1:first
6. Push your image to the repository you created

C:\Deployment\sample>docker push madhutomy/proc1

        The push refers to repository []

        6f301a019730: Pushed

        c5feef8de600: Pushed

        580f3756ce8a: Pushed

        cc785f55844a: Pushed

        5fe84091d04f: Pushed

        5d3cbc907abc: Pushing [======>    ]  475.5MB/3.859GB

        80246f30af28: Pushed

        d69483a6face: Pushed
7.     Your image is now available for everyone to use.

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