Open Ports in Windows

In this post, i would be like to share the info about how to find open ports in Windows XP. While working with RAD occasionally I would encounter "port in use" error, which made me to think about this post.

NETSTAT command is used to identify the open ports in Windows. I tested these commands in Windows XP.

Go to Windows Command promopt, type in the command netstat -ao

This will list out the ports that are being used.

To download the ports that are currently being listened/established into a file use the following command in the prompt

netstat -an |find /i "listening" > c:'PortsUsed.txt

netstat -an |find /i "established> c:'PortsUsed.txt

"established" Helps us to know the ports  with which the computer actually communicates.

We can also view the ports used by using Windows Task Manager by the following

1. CTRL+ALT+DEL, click on "Task Manager" button
2. Go to "Processes" Tab
3. Select "View" from the Menu and select "Select Columns" option
4. Check the "PID" option and then click "OK".

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